Take the journey to...
Unmask the leader within you
Unmask your potential
Unmask your truth
Unmask and live fully in all areas of your life!
Strong character • values • courage • authenticity consistent influence • Values based self-leadership
If you desire to grow and reach your full potential, paying more attention to character more than to our success is vital. Personal growth means more than expanding our minds and adding various skills to our list of what we can do. It means increasing our capacity as human beings and developing our character to lead with integrity in every sphere of life. We do this by unmasking.
If you would like to know more on how I work with leaders to help them grow in their leadership journey.
When we choose masks over the truth, we become trapped behind those masks. We lose any sense of the truth of who we are and what our purpose is. The only way to stop hiding and start living fully is to take off the mask to allow the re-marking to begin.
Your Identity emerges out of your daily habits… So many people begin the process of changing their habits with the focusing on what it is they want to achieve. This approach leads to outcome-based habits.
I believe in the alternative which is to build identity-based habits. With this approach, we start by focusing on who we wish to become – using values based self-leadership.
Our identity is not set in stone. We have the power to choose what we believe about ourselves, and we have the power to act on what we believe this is The Power of Choice.

Hi, I'm Wendy,
I am a fervent believer in the power of choice in a person’s life. It such a powerful tool in the process of breaking free from old patterns of thinking and behaviors that hold them back from living in their true purpose.
As a transformational coach, I work with executives, leaders, individual women, and women’s groups to enable them to understand the importance of self-leadership. As part of the journey of self-leadership I work closely with women to help them find their voice and empower their lives.
I am the author of Remarkable You, my first book, UNMASK, Stop Hiding, Start Living my 2nd Book. Also I speak on professional topics such as leadership and empowering women as well as an inspirational speaker on the topics of suicide, domestic violence, alcoholism, and sexual assault from the point of a survivor having intimate, first-hand experience in these areas. My life exemplifies resilience and the ability to reshape and reclaim brokenness into a life brimming with purpose and love.

Blog Thoughts
Let’s consider the topic of ‘Respect’.
I discussed this recently on ‘Love and Bugs’, the weekly radio on ABC Darwin’s Evening with Dinushi Dias. The world around us feels like it is growing crazier with more out of control behaviour, and this growing lack of respect has drawn lots of comments and media attention. What is RESPECT? Respect is recognizing that […]
Let’s consider the topic of ‘Focus’.
What You Focus On Is What You See …On my weekly radio segment ‘Love and Bugs’, on ABC Darwin’s Evening with Dinushi Dias, we spoke about life being busy and the power of pausing, changing our focus and the importance of being ‘kind’ to ourselves. Below are a few more thoughts. In the classic “Invisible […]
Let’s consider the topic of Resilience.
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela This quote is a great reminder as we all take the journey to become more resilient. This topic is a little longer as this is a big subject, so well worth […]
Hurry Sickness
Are you showing the symptoms of ‘Hurry Sickness’…? I have been thinking all morning on how to add value to you in this month’s newsletter, when I stepped outside to peg cloths on the line. Yes I still do this, no clothes dryer for me), when I noticed our neighbours dog Ruby, she was laying […]
Hello to my many readers and to the readers that have recently joined. I have been absent for a little while busy working on my second book which is now sitting with the publisher. More on this soon ☺ This week I was back on Vision Radio with the topic of emotions which is such […]
Defiant Joy
Welcome to 2022. My last newsletter for 2021 was on hope, and as we start out in 2022 it’s heavy on my heart to share on JOY. What is joy? Joy is an inner feeling. Happiness is an outward expression. Joy endures hardship and trials and connects with meaning and purpose. A person pursues happiness but chooses […]