Are You a Visitor to the Land of Regret?

Hello Remarkable You!

The land of regret, have you visited here lately? 

Perhaps I am the only one that has paid a visit to ‘land of regret’.  I know I have been a recent visitor.  There comes a time when each of us must decide enough is enough. That no longer will we allow regret to be part of our lives.

Regrets eat away the human heart just as surely as some diseases, can eats away at human flesh and frustration and sorrow become our daily food.We can get stuck in this land of regret and find it difficult to find our way out.  We get caught up on the ‘if only’ moments.  If only I did that, if only I did this.…  This land of regret can affect us more that we realise.  It can keep us stuck wishing we had done something different.It can rear it ugly head, at times of change, times of crisis, new seasons, relationships gone wrong, jobs missed… I could go on and on.

For me it has been a new season with an interstate move. When we are facing the unknown, the old familiar seems better, feels safer, even if it was not perfect. I am talking about that dreaded word ‘change’.. it’s not something I believe, anyone finds easy.  I know I certainly have found it much more difficult than I imagined it would or could be.  Before we know it we can find ourselves with our eyes backward looking at what was.

Thinking into what this regret means… Where did it start…  What is truth… and what is not… Perhaps you need to forgiving yourself if you feel you have made the wrong decisions or forgiving others for things that have been done to you or even asking for forgiveness for your role in something that is causing this regret. Then it is one step and then the next to live your life on purpose, with an eye to the future until you leave this dreaded ‘land of regret’.

Walk with your destiny in mind. Without a destination, a walk becomes a wander. There really is no other way of travelling  out and to where you want to go. Maybe right now you’re living in the gloomy land of regret, I know I lived their way too long. I have a secret to tell you, regret will keep you in that place unless you are very intentional to take steps to leave. It is time for you to exchange the phrase, “If Only!” for the phrase “I can”… Regret will echo in our lives until it is addressed head-on and we fully deal with it. We will not fully live in our purpose, in our destiny if we wallow in regret.

As we redeem our regrets, we pass on our legacy of learning. We can help someone else find their way out! This means they will have the opportunity to stand higher, see clearer, and avoid the very pitfalls of this land we fell into. This is not the time to sit listlessly in the regret of our past failures, or to wander about without direction. It’s time to walk forward!

A Remarkable You is strong, because she redeems her regrets with purpose!

Reflection: Spend time with your journal… Take time to consider any areas of regret in your life… Identify where these regrets are keeping you stuck in that place… Now think about and be intentional to take the first step to find your way out and what that will look life…

Seek help on this journey if you can’t find your way out, this is very important!

Action Changes Ownership: If you want to change your life, start by changing your story.

It’s time to ACT

A— decide what action you will take

C— identify what choices you need to make

T— commit to a timeframe for this changeJourney well!

Love Wendy xx

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