Hello to my many readers and to the readers that have recently joined.
I have been absent for a little while busy working on my second book which is now sitting with the publisher. More on this soon ☺
This week I was back on Vision Radio with the topic of emotions which is such an important topic as our emotions impact everything for all of us and forms a chapter in my new book. So this month’s topic is emotions.
The dictionary says emotions are – “a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others”. What it doesn’t say is how our emotions can affect all that we do.
“Motions are the precursors of emotions” as M. Asch says. This means the waves of emotions, the movement of our emotions is a rising indicator that something is about to happen.
Our emotions don’t always tell us the truth.
You may have never considered this before, so let me begin by explaining what I mean.
As you lead yourself well in the area of emotions, and grow in your awareness and understanding of how your emotions can affect all that you do, you will see how emotions can colour everything and can alter your perspective, including your ability to handle adversity, failure, criticism, change, and pressure in a positive or negative way.
I am not saying that you need to become emotionless, but what I am saying is just becoming aware of our emotions and taking them into account may be enough to improve your life.
Remember that not all emotions are bad when we use them the right way they can add such great value to our life.
Jonatan Martensson said, “Feelings are much like waves. We can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which ones to surf”.
When our emotions hit us like waves, it’s so important to stop and think:
Is this wave ‘one I should surf’?
What are the facts and what is the truth of the emotions I am feeling?
Call to Action:
Take the time, starting today to identify circumstances that have you riding those emotional waves that you know are not serving you well.
- List down each time you ride those emotional waves.
- Can you identify the trigger – is it related to a trauma or wound that is not healed or is it simply a habit you have got into?
- How does that emotion play out in your words and actions and your daily life, are they damaging you and those around you?
- Start by taking a deep breath when those waves of emotions come and take the time to think of different emotional responses. Riding out of control emotional waves can be detrimental to relationships and our very own reputation.
Let me encourage you to spend some time using your journal to track your emotions, as it helps us to see the big picture of how they can control our lives.
Journey well…
Wendy xx